GAA debate on rule 42

Madam, - The annual debate on the GAA's rule 42, insofar as it relates to "opening up" Croke Park, is now in full swing

Madam, - The annual debate on the GAA's rule 42, insofar as it relates to "opening up" Croke Park, is now in full swing. However, the real crux of this outdated piece of legislation is its relevance to the use of the association's property in general - function rooms, halls, etc.

In rural areas these facilities are often built with financial contributions from all the community but a local soccer or rugby club is debarred by the rule from access to what, in effect, is the local community hall.

To be fair, the average GAA club will most likely ignore the rule's provisions, thereby leaving itself liable to a 12-month suspension.

How can the association reconcile its pretensions to being a true community movement with this rule's provisions? - Yours, etc.,


DONAL DONOVAN, Model Farm Road, Carrigrohane, Co Cork.