Gas Emissions

Sir, - Frank McDonald writes (July 6th) that Ireland must limit its greenhouse gas emissions over the coming years.

Sir, - Frank McDonald writes (July 6th) that Ireland must limit its greenhouse gas emissions over the coming years.

The article goes on to say that transport is the major source of greenhouse gases in Ireland and that one solution will be to discourage car commuting. Public transport was suggested as one answer. But there is, however, another obvious answer: go by bike. A bicycle produces no greenhouse gas emissions at all.

Most journeys by bicycle in Dublin are four miles or less. There are 25,000 car commuters in Dublin alone who travel four miles or less. If Ireland's emissions of greenhouse gases are to be limited, then one simple way would be to entice at least some of these drivers out of their cars and on to bicycles for at least some of their journeys.

The Government could help by introducing a new scrappage scheme: hand in your old car and get a brand new, top-of-the-range bike. Fewer cars on the roads and an increase in the number of bicycles should have the following effects: a reduction in traffic congestion; lower emissions of greenhouse gases; a reduction in the number of traffic accidents; a healthier and fitter population; a reduction in the amount of petrol being imported; fewer cars being imported.


The Dublin Cycling Campaign has always argued that a solution to many of Dublin's traffic problems is to be found on two wheels. Now it looks as though a solution to Ireland's greenhouse gas emissions may be found there too. - Yours, etc., Rachel Vaughan,

Dublin Cycling Campaign, Millmount Grove, Dublin 14.