GRA and the Morris tribunal

Madam, - The Garda Representative Association and its magazine would appear to be still in denial, judging by the report in …

Madam, - The Garda Representative Association and its magazine would appear to be still in denial, judging by the report in your edition of October 25th, "Tribunal ended with a whimper says Garda Body". Some tribunal, some whimper! After the can of worms that has been exposed the least one might expect from GRA general secretary P.J. Stone would be some apology, and indeed some humility.

We had many citizens and families ruined, the rule of law usurped, perjury and planting of explosives the order of the day, yet all the GRA can do is question as to whether it was correct to have this tribunal set up in the first place. If it had not been, all those things would have gone unreported. - Yours, etc,




Co Longford.