Health, safety and the tea trolley

Madam, - I could not help noticing over the past few years how frequently health and safety legislation is called on to explain…

Madam, - I could not help noticing over the past few years how frequently health and safety legislation is called on to explain away declining services from bodies which purport to serve the public. May I cite a recent case that impinges on a goodly number of Waterford people?

For a start, I want to say that I love travelling by train - it is comfortable, quick and very friendly to the environment. But almost every time I take the train to Dublin from Waterford, Iarnród Éireann conspires to do something new to diminish the pleasure. My most recent journey was no exception. As the big locomotive pulled us along through the Kilkenny countryside, the tannoy announced that the trolley service was at the back of the train. Unusual, I thought, but anyway I ambled down.

Thinking that there might be a problem with the trolley, I ventured a question to the attendant. "Health and Safety," she growled in reply. I raised an eyebrow. "How do you mean?"

"Lookit! Would you like scalding water all over you if the train shakes?" she challenged. I assured her that indeed I would not. I did point out to her that trolleys were used on railways the world over and nowhere had I heard or read about passengers being broiled at their seats.


Meanwhile, the queue for her beverages was standing in a long line up the carriage, and each person - on reaching the top of the line - would be at least as close to her as they would have been had she passed by them in the aisle. Except now there was a possible double hazard, as the queued punters invariably were lurching uncertainly around the clamped trolley.

As one does, I then had to career up the train with my scalding coffee (milk still in tublets), praying that I was not going to unleash the stuff over a couple of hundred passengers whom she was prudently sparing with her far sighted regard for ... yes, of course, health and safety.

What admirable consideration indeed. - Yours, etc,

Cllr JOE CONWAY, Tramore, Co Waterford.