A chara, - Fr O'Leary of Tokyo (July 21st) takes exception to my letter of July 20th. May I please have the opportunity to make the issue clear? It cannot be overemphasised that people with homosexual orientation must be treated with respect, protection against discrimination, must receive pastoral care and compassion. This is a basic human right. This is brought out by the Catechism: "They must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity."
The Catechism also says that the Teaching Church "has always declared that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered", "a grave depravity"; "in no circumstances can they be approved". Could such acts be "a human right"?
I hope that makes clear what I was trying to say. - Is mise, (Fr) Tom Ingoldsby, SDB,
Salesian House, Ballinakill, Portlaoise, Co Laois.