Madam, – Fintan O’Toole (Opinion, April 21st) failed to address the issue of why Michael Lowry has been unanimously voted back into Dáil Éireann election after election. His column was insulting to the people of North Tipperary, and was merely armchair mantra for those increasingly few who are positioned comfortably enough socially to adhere to his highly principled social and moral code.
Unlike many politicians, Mr Lowry works assiduously for his constituents. Unlike most politicians, Mr Lowry achieves results, and where he cannot, you will not be under any ill-premised hope or expectation to the contrary. As a constituent of North Tipperary, I have the benefit of knowing this for myself.
Surely, given Mr O’Toole’s ongoing concern for the less well off in society he should appreciate the significance of the work of Mr Lowry does for all constituents, but most particularly for the disadvantaged.
Ireland, over the last 10 months, has become an even less equitable place to be living and working in due to the worldwide recession. What has also transpired is the blatant greed, and inefficiency of some self-serving top banking officials, as well as politicians and civil servants.
Irrespective of what conclusions or recommendations these tribunals produce regarding Mr Lowry, his election results and local standing among the people of North Tipperary speaks for itself. I would suggest to Mr O’Toole that he should step into the real world, where real people with real issues vote according to how well or otherwise their local politicians serve them. Now more than ever, this is what really matters. – Yours, etc,
Co Offaly.