Inaction On Drugs

Sir, - Promises, promises. Last May, during the election campaign, Fianna Fail promised zero tolerance on the drug problem

Sir, - Promises, promises. Last May, during the election campaign, Fianna Fail promised zero tolerance on the drug problem. It would have no mercy on the drug barons and much compassion and services for the addicted.

Just seven months later, the idea has been derailed. Before the last government left office it had promised £20 million to the community-based anti-drug projects around Dublin. But this Government has scrubbed the idea. It is putting the miserly sum of £250,000 into this serious problem this year. When it saw £20 million going begging in the State coffers, which deserving cause did it try to help? The GAA!

When the next general election is called, this U-turn will read very well on advertising hoardings in the areas affected most by drugs. Poverty and drugs are not high on the agenda of this Government, that's for sure. It is a revelation to walk or drive through north inner Dublin to see how little is spent on the living environment of the disadvantaged in our society. For disadvantaged, read "forgotten by politicians".

Currently, a Christmas tree with the names of over 100 young people attached stands in Dublin central. All of theses people died through drug-related illness. Wouldn't it have been fitting to spend £20 million on this constituency to make up for some of the neglect and lack of interest in the area over decades?


It's only too obvious that the Budget cake is divided among those who vote. Those who don't have no clout. - Yours, etc.,

Calderwood Road, Dublin 9.