Investigating seminary life

Madam, – Recently Archbishop Diarmuid Martin challenged, “Bring things out into the open”.

Madam, – Recently Archbishop Diarmuid Martin challenged, “Bring things out into the open”.

In the Pope’s letter to the people of Ireland (March 22nd) he called for an investigation of seminaries. Is it not long overdue to have an open, objective and transparent investigation of seminary life from the 1950s onward? What fertile ground it must have been for those in position of authority who were inclined to act inappropriately towards young men in training for the priesthood. Abuse of seminary students did occur: has it ever been acknowledged and sincere, personal apologies given? Have those who abused or were part of the cover up ever been held accountable? Not yet, but the time is now. So yes, I would welcome and encourage “bringing things into the open”. – Yours, etc.


Via Raffaello Sardiello,


Rome, Italy.