Iran's nuclear programme

Madam, - Angus McDowall (World News, March 3rd) writes that Iran has strategic motives for building nuclear bombs.

Madam, - Angus McDowall (World News, March 3rd) writes that Iran has strategic motives for building nuclear bombs.

I do believe that acquiring peaceful nuclear technology in compliance with all internationally recognised rights and commitments and in the service of people is a source of national pride for Iranians.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, through a report to the International Atomic Energy Authority of over 1,000 pages and by allowing more than 1,000 days of inspection by IAEA experts, has tried to eliminate any doubt and ambiguity. It has always stated its readiness to render active and transparent co-operation according to accepted international obligations.

By which rationale, internationally recognised treaty, norms or standards it is justifiable to force one nation to forget about peaceful nuclear technology and deprive it of its legitimate rights - while showing neither serious reaction nor opposition towards the same technology being acquired by certain other countries?


The principle of the benefit of the doubt requires that Iran be treated on the basis of the findings of the IAEA; and up to now it has been unable to support assertions that Iran's programmes are aimed at making nuclear weapons.

Mr McDowall rightly says that "the case of Iraq showed secretiveness is no sure sign of bad faith". History reveals that Iran not only has never been a source of threat or invasion but also, due to its efforts towards independence and justice, has always been subject to both.

Once again I wish to stress that due to humane, religious and even political-security reservations, acquiring WMDs has never been on Iran's agenda. We strongly maintain that our sovereignty and power of deterrence lie in the support we receive from our people and our principled positions, as well as our political and strategic geography.

Iran vigorously believes in the need for the establishment of peace, stability security and justice in the Middle East and considers any effort to proliferate WMDs in contradiction with that belief. - Yours, etc.,

SOUDABEH BAHREINI, Cultural and Press Officer, Iran Embassy, Dublin.