It's a grand coalition...

A chara, – So a Taoiseach is finally elected with the support of slightly more than a third of the elected deputies, the opposition of slightly less than a third and the non-participation of the remaining third.

Can we take it then this will be a Dáil of three thirds – the Government, the Opposition and the Others.

Sounds more like an opinion poll than a legislature.

– Is mise,



Dublin 5.

Sir, – What we have here is a de facto Fine Gael-Fianna Fáil “grand coalition”, with Fianna Fáil exercising power without responsibility from the Opposition benches. This so-called Fine Gael-led minority Government will not be able to enact any significant piece of legislation without Fianna Fáil’s imprimatur. So in effect the Fianna Fáil front bench will consist of ministers without portfolio. Talk about the tail wagging the dog! – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – The commitment in the draft programme for government to increase non-denominational and multi-denominational schools to 400 by 2030 is welcome. The current landscape of schools, where 96 per cent are under religious patronage, does not reflect the diversity of Irish society.

The programme however does not commit to removing religious discrimination in all State-funded schools, regardless of patronage. The increase in non- and multi-denominational schools will not change anything for families who do not live within a reasonable distance to those schools. The majority of schools will still remain under religious patrons and must cater for all children equally.

In order to respect Ireland’s obligations under international human rights treaties, we must remove permission for State-funded schools to discriminate in admissions policies, and require all schools to confine religious instruction to outside of core school hours, so families of all beliefs are equally respected in their local school.

– Yours, etc,


Chairperson, Education Equality

Dublin 8.