John Hume For The Park?

Sir, - Commenting on the Presidency, Nuala O'Faolain states (August 11th): "It is about us

Sir, - Commenting on the Presidency, Nuala O'Faolain states (August 11th): "It is about us. If we haven't got a hero ourselves to match John Hume, we shouldn't import one."

My English dictionary says: "import: to bring in from a foreign country". Where is John Hume being imported from?

She has confirmed in writing if confirmation were needed, that the partitionist mentality is alive and well south of the Border, especially among the wordsmiths and chattering classes.

Can it be that this passport that I have been travelling on for so long and which states that I am a citizen of Ireland is worthless? - Yours, etc.,


Brendan Horisk

Olde Forge Manor, Belfast 10.