Killers of Garda McCabe

Madam, - In the Taoiseach's opinion, the release of Garda Jerry McCabe's killers will have to be, in his words, "dealt with", …

Madam, - In the Taoiseach's opinion, the release of Garda Jerry McCabe's killers will have to be, in his words, "dealt with", to facilitate the demands of one party to the Good Friday Agreement.

He is wrong.

The justice system in this jurisdiction has already dealt with the case, albeit leniently; and irrespective of whether the bank robbers were members of the UDA, the IDA, the Defence Forces or even Sinn Féin, justice must be seen to be done, regardless of the demands of a phantom terrorist leader given voice by an apparently respectable political party.

I think it is safe to say that most of us would like to see a successful outcome to talks that might eventually lead to a new and inclusive Ireland, but how many of us could stand over an agreement that might include some people who can readily accept that gun law and the shooting dead of an innocent policeman is a basis for a peaceful future on this island.


There is a limit to appeasement, and the cold-blooded slaying of Garda Jerry McCabe should be the defining marker. - Yours, etc.,

NIALL GINTY, The Demesne, Killester, Dublin 5.