Mass At St Patrick's

Sir, - A long time ago - in January 1973, to be exact - I took part, with other people in Limerick in a series of events under…

Sir, - A long time ago - in January 1973, to be exact - I took part, with other people in Limerick in a series of events under the title "The Ecumenical Church Octave Group". The Methodist Minister, Rev David Kerr, Father Gerry Griffin (PP, St Munchin's Parish) and the present Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Walton Empey, who was then Dean of St Mary's Cathedral, Limerick, were actively involved.

The ceremonies were a testimony of mutual goodwill. On Wednesday, January 24th, an all-night vigil was held. The group set out from the Presbyterian Church and walked through the city to St Mary's Cathedral. There the evening's proceedings began with simple opening prayers by Dean Empey.

Only the most stout-hearted were spending the entire night in the building, but many of us stayed there until the small hours of Thursday 25th. At some time shortly after midnight Father Gerry Griffin exclaimed: "Do you know what I want to do now? I want to say the Rosary".

Dean Empey immediately answered: "Well then, by all means, say it."


Next, as we gathered ourselves for prayer, he beamed at Fr Griffin and said: "Mind you, I think it will be the first time it has been said here since the Reformation."

It was a lovely moment, and one which I've always treasured. I offer it today hoping it may help to alleviate some of the hurt caused by Archbishop Desmond Connell's rejection of Dean MacCarthy's invitation to say Mass in St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. - Yours, etc.,

Emma Cooke, Killaloe, Co Clare.