Media coverage of elections

Madam, – As we begin the final stages of the local and European elections campaign it might be worthwhile reflecting on how …

Madam, – As we begin the final stages of the local and European elections campaign it might be worthwhile reflecting on how politics and these elections are covered in the media.

Unfortunately, political integrity and commitment are often presented as if they only occur at the extremes. Views from the extremes or the margins are often presented as if the holders of those views are more committed, more honourable or more passionate in the pursuit of their cause than those who are more balanced in their approach.

In short, the media should stop confusing a reasonable balanced approach, with that of “bending the knee” or less than wholehearted commitment.

The reality is that it is very often the politics of hope – whether that be the centre left or, even God help us, occasionally the centre right – that offers solutions to the problems facing our society. Those of us committed to consensus or balanced politics are as passionate and committed to that political approach as the extremes are to theirs. The difference being that balanced advocates try to find solutions, the extremes just try to find scapegoats.


Perhaps therefore, over the coming weeks The Irish Timesmight lead the way in shifting political reporting and commentary away from the "show-business approach" so beloved by the public broadcasting service, RTÉ and some other media outlets.

Perhaps too, political reporting will no longer be based on whose son, daughter, cousin, nephew or niece will inherit the family seat, but rather on the policies and ideas promoted. It will make a nice change and it might even give our country and counties, politics and politicians that deliver. – Yours, etc,


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