Millennium Monument

Sir, - In singing my praises Uinseann Mac Eoin (August 20th) may have gone a little over the top in referring to me as a poet…

Sir, - In singing my praises Uinseann Mac Eoin (August 20th) may have gone a little over the top in referring to me as a poet. My status as a poet suffered a serious setback last week when my ponytail was stolen, exposing my vulnerable neck to a cold chill.

It is not strictly accurate to say that I single-handedly stopped the thing in O'Connell Street, I was aided by an excellent solicitor and a brilliant barrister. I was also supported by one of Ireland's leading architects, Sam Stephenson.

The important thing to note is that the Spike is not stopped; it is temporarily halted. It is now up to the public to respond and ensure that this high-rise structure is never erected in O'Connell Street. The people of Ireland are entitled to a meaningful say to any proposal significantly altering the main street of their capital city.

Apart from the absurdity of attempting to erect a high-rise structure on O'Connell Street, this particular piece does not comply with the design brief issued for the competition of which it was declared the winner. The design brief clearly stated as follows:


"The monument shall have a vertical emphasis, an elegant structure of 21st-century contemporary design, which shall relate to the quality and scale of O'Connell Street as represented by the late 18th-century and early 20th-century architecture and civic design." - Yours, etc., Micheal O Nuallain,

Belgrave Square, Monkstown, Co Dublin.