New age v old-school religion

Sir, – May I remind Fionola Meredith ("New age rubbish posing as an accessible alternative to old-school religion", Opinion, January 13th) that there has not yet been a new age inquisition, or a new age crusade; new age spirituality has never burned people at the stake in the name of God, and it does not peddle guilt and shame to its practitioners.

Furthermore, it treats men and women as equals and has never posed a threat to the safety of children. For the many people who have who have lost faith and interest in “old-time religion”, it provides a spiritual path which harms no one and provides a sense of connection with spirit and the companionship of like-minded souls.

Fionola Meredith’s notion that spirituality must be hard work is strange in any age. As for intellectual rigor, the response of the church to many valid questions has always been “It’s a mystery!”. If working with angels, crystals, fairies, energy or anything else provides peace of mind and comfort to those who practise it Meredith is hardly in a position to call it “rubbish”. And the angels have often found me a parking place! – Yours, etc,




Blessington, Co Wicklow.