Nice Treaty Referendum

Sir, - I notice that the Taoiseach was at pains to point out the benefits of the, when speaking in on Monday Templemore and when…

Sir, - I notice that the Taoiseach was at pains to point out the benefits of the, when speaking in on Monday Templemore and when he addressed members of the Institute of European Affairs last Thursday. On that occasion he was quoted as saying that this treaty would be "good for Ireland".

There are those who think quite the opposite - that it will give even more power to multinationals to control our education, health, even our food and water. This is not a very inviting scenario. Even as I write, civil society organisations are fighting to keep access to genetic resources for food and agriculture and not have them restricted by intellectual property rights. It looks as if this will be much more difficult if the Treaty of Nice is ratified.

Because this piece of legislation appears to be so complicated I think the Government owes it to the electorate to have a fair and balanced debate on the consequences on the television, in the papers and on the Web. When you consider that it is only one of a number of motions to be considered on the day, the case is even more urgent. - Yours, etc.,

May Lynam, Justice Co-ordinator, Mercy Sisters Western Province, Renmore, Galway.