Sir, - The high-rise structure (twice as high as Liberty Hall) proposed for erection in the middle of O'Connell Street does not relate to 18th and 19th-century architecture nor to the street. This proposed project is called a monument on the cover of the Environmental Impact Statement recently issued by Dublin Corporation. It is also referred to throughout the entire statement as a monument. It is not a monument. This deliberate or otherwise use of incorrect terminology throughout the EIS is grossly confusing and inexcusable. That incorrect terminology can be used and repeatedly used throughout an Environmental Impact Statement is both inept and astounding.
A monument by definition is a memorial to a person or to a person's achievement - for example, the O'Connell Monument or indeed any of the existing monuments on O'Connell Street.
The misuse of the word monument, together with the profusion of photomontages, diagrams and other matter, may confuse and hoodwink the public into believing that all is in order. This equally applies to the Minister for Local Government, who has to give the final approval to allow this project be erected on O'Connell Street, or not.
Due to the present climate of political unrest stemming from widespread corruption involving financial, building and industrial interests together with the scandals of the judiciary and public officials, it now seems likely that there will be an autumn general election.
If so, I intend to be a candidate to "stop the spike" being erected in O'Connell Street.
I would welcome the views of my fellow citizens. - Yours etc.,
Micheal O'Nuallain, Belgrave Square, Monkstown, Co Dublin.