Official Languages Act

Madam, - Three letters in your edition of June 22nd supported the Official Languages Act

Madam, - Three letters in your edition of June 22nd supported the Official Languages Act. I may be in a minority in thinking that the net result will be less support for the Irish language.

Apart from the waste of money on translations which few will read, there is the further danger of more road accidents. Driving recently in Donegal, trying to decipher a road sign in Irish, my inattention caused me to ignore a large Mercedes which had halted in front of me. Fortunately, the only result was the smell of burnt rubber.

If I was baffled, what about the average tourist? I had the linguistic advantage of learning both Latin and mathematics through Irish, as well as taking the language for a year at third level. Admittedly, all this was some time ago.

I gather I may have some support in Dingle where there are objections to Irish-only road signs. I was interested to read that Dingle is in the Gaeltacht. On my many visits to the town, I never heard a word of Irish spoken.


Could we have Caoimhghin Myers to adjudicate on this matter? I await his verdict. - Yours, etc,

LIAM O'FLANAGAN, Strand Road, Dublin 4.