Partnership For Peace

Sir, - In his article (May 24th), John Palmer compares the horrific situation in Kosovo with the Nazi atrocities during the Second…

Sir, - In his article (May 24th), John Palmer compares the horrific situation in Kosovo with the Nazi atrocities during the Second World War. While this simplistic and emotive approach is guaranteed much sympathy, it hardly deals with the problem. Exact comparisons can be made with countless other conflicts, both past and present.

The underlying question at the heart of the debate about Kosovo and Ireland's intention to join Partnership for Peace is: Do we want to be part of a European military alliance which will act in the interests of Europe only, or do we want to work through the EU for a strong UN, capable of effective intervention in any part of the globe?

If we opt for Fortress Europe, the UN will disintegrate and the world will form itself into various regional superpowers, a situation not unlike that which existed prior to the First and Second World Wars. The critical difference on this occasion is the existence of thousands of nuclear warheads capable of global destruction.

Mr Palmer asks the question: Will pro-neutrals support a genuinely common European Union foreign, security and defence policy, acting in defence of international law and human rights? The answer must be no.


It is inconceivable to imagine a regional superpower like the EU actually placing international law or human rights above its own strategic and political interests. It would be a first in history. It would also be an historical first if the rest of the world meekly accepted a European view of what constitutes international law and human rights.

The only hope for the future is a strong and effective United Nations. This can only happen if the European Union and America reverse their policy of indifference towards that organisation. Ireland, as a neutral nation within the EU, may have some influence to that end. If we compromise that neutrality, we have no voice whatsoever. - Yours, etc., Anthony Sheridan,

Cobh, Co Cork.