Pay and expenses of union heads

Madam, – I would like to congratulate Pat Cahill for his letter (October 12th) seeking transparency regarding board membership…

Madam, – I would like to congratulate Pat Cahill for his letter (October 12th) seeking transparency regarding board membership of trade union officials and others. The recent Fás fiasco highlighted this issue very keenly as some officials were caught like rabbits in headlights on the Fás board. The officials are supposed to be working for their members and not also serving another master, the Government.

Questions about conflict of interest are quite legitimate in such circumstances. Contrary to media belief that Ictu officials are stirring up trade union dissent,many feel unrepresented and silenced by their leaders who seem well rewarded for keeping members in line.

The Bertie Bonanza was a nice little gravy train while the Cowen Cuts threaten now to blow the whole arrangement apart.

Surely the time has never been more right for open and transparent information about the additional positions and emoluments bestowed by government on current and retired officials?


The sacred cow of Ictu may be exposed as less than holy! – Yours, etc,



Bray, Co Wicklow.