Payments To Politicians

Sir, - As scandal follows scandal and politicians tie themselves in knots trying to defend the indefensible, one thing has become…

Sir, - As scandal follows scandal and politicians tie themselves in knots trying to defend the indefensible, one thing has become crystal clear. In this so-called democracy money can buy power, privilege and political patronage.

It is already obvious, except to those who do not wish to see, that serious damage has been done to the credibility of the political system. If evidence of this were required it was surely provided by the pathetic turnout in the referendum on Northern Ireland; arguably the most important and certainly the most high-profile in the history of this country.

In the wake of the most recent revelations, the airwaves have been filled with politicians concocting implausible explanations, fudging facts, contradicting each other and frequently contradicting themselves. Platitudes have been uttered about the need for comprehensive investigations and, once again, we have heard about corporate concern for the democratic process accompanied by that well-worn mantra that no favours were sought or given. Not a word has been said about what needs to be done.

It is now imperative, if the political system is to regain even a semblance of credibility, that all political donations be banned forthwith and that henceforward all political activity must be financed from the public purse. The fact that large donations now have to be published does not preclude them from influencing the course of events and certainly does not remove from the public mind the perception that their purpose is to curry favour in the corridors of power. - Yours, etc., M. D. Kennedy,



Co Dublin.