Sir, – Seven hundred million: not quite a Bertie Bowl but more than a half. A meejum, perhaps? – Yours, etc, JOJO BOYLE, Rue Victoria, Longueuil, Québec, Canada.
Letters to the Editor, Friday, March 14th: Mr Martin goes to Washington; special classes for autism; Ireland’s response to covid
Letters to the Editor, Wednesday, March 12th: On bees, dandelions and mowing the lawn, and St Patrick’s Day in the White House
‘We live in fear in Ireland’: Burke family removed from Washington DC gala dinner after disrupting event
‘A childish, criminal act’: Greens dug up and Palestinian flags planted at Trump’s Doonbeg golf course
Matt Williams: The age of rugby imperialism is here, and Ireland must realise we sit with the ‘Have-nots’