Piercing cries

Madam, - While browsing in a city-centre accessories store recently, I became aware of the persistent and distressed cries of…

Madam, - While browsing in a city-centre accessories store recently, I became aware of the persistent and distressed cries of a baby at the front of the shop. This continued for some minutes.

On moving closer, I realized that the baby, who was being held in her mother's arms and appeared to be no more than six months old, was having her ears pierced by a shop assistant. This activity was taking place virtually in the shop window. I was appalled by such a cruel and public display of what I can only regard as serious physical abuse.

In an age when smacking a child is frowned upon by many people, how can punching holes in the ears of a helpless infant, obviously without its consent, causing needless pain and mutilation with the risk of infection, still remain socially acceptable or even legal? Are there any restraints, such as a minimum age limit, on this form of child abuse? If not, then this matter needs to be addressed. - Yours, etc.,



Cow's Lane,

Temple Bar,

Dublin 8.