Madam, - Your reporting of Ariel Sharon's departure from the political scene has saddened me in a way I would not have thought possible three years ago. Never before has one man transformed his legacy for the better in so short a time.
He oversaw some of the worst sectarian violence in world history, added fuel to the fire of religious fundamentalists and became a loathed figure in international politics. However, the past few years have revealed a visionary who was not afraid of moving away from the negative old ways of thinking, a pragmatist in his use of power to make unpopular decisions for the greater good and a political genius who put taboos on the negotiating table.
History, I believe, will forgive Mr Sharon his sins and I only wish his health had permitted him to fulfil his vision for a lasting peace.
Dr Paisley, please take note. - Is mise,
NIALL Ó TUATHAIL, Trinity College, Dublin 2.