Pope's decision on Latin Mass

Madam, - As a young trainee teacher myself, I find it extremely hard to believe Mary O'Regan's claim that the Latin Mass can…

Madam, - As a young trainee teacher myself, I find it extremely hard to believe Mary O'Regan's claim that the Latin Mass can "develop a profound sense of Catholic belonging and identity in the congregation" (July 12th). It has been proved down through the years that the old-style Latin Mass, with priest facing the altar, uttering prayers which very few people understood and where there was little participation by the congregation, was the main reason why people felt alienated from church-going and Mass.

I feel that the Pope's decision to go against this aspect of Vatican II and to ease restrictions on the Latin Mass will falter because the current Mass of openness, with the use of the vernacular and congregation participation, is one that many people are returning to. Each to their own, but I feel the Pope's decision will not do anything to reignite faith among people, especially the young. - Yours, etc,




Co Kilkenny.