Sir, - I agree, if for a significantly different reason, with Tomas O Gormain (January 16th) that "one of the main factors inhibiting…

Sir, - I agree, if for a significantly different reason, with Tomas O Gormain (January 16th) that "one of the main factors inhibiting present-day Catholic clergy from preaching more forthrightly must surely be their consciousness that, on the crucial issue of contraception, so many of their clerical colleagues hold views widely at variance with theirs

That is why in my article (December 31st) I said that one-handed preaching accelerated from 1968 onwards. Contraception, in common with all the other in any grave sins detailed in our Catechism, inhibits all our preachers because it implies that persistent offenders are heading for hell. Our preachers are afraid to say that. Until that is sorted out, they will continue to dig their own grave and that of our Church. Fortunately, a sorting out is in sight, by way of the minor-to-major venial sins idea. - Yours, etc.,

25 Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6.