Prison officers' security dispute

Madam, - So the poor dears of the Irish Prison Officers Association feel the need to go on strike because the authorities want…

Madam, - So the poor dears of the Irish Prison Officers Association feel the need to go on strike because the authorities want to search them before they enter the prison. They should pause for thought next time they visit an airport, for they will witness both staff and travellers being subjected to search by hand and by X-ray without hope of compensation.

My colleagues and I at Dublin Airport are subject to search by the airport police, at least twice, before we enter our workplaces. Once "airside", we are subject to further random challenge and/or search by the aviation authority's own search teams, by gardaí and by an airport security firm.

IPOA members need to get real and suffer the inconvenience of a search, taking a few precious seconds of their time, in the interests of safety and security, without throwing a childish strop. - Yours, etc,



(Airline employee),

Dublin Airport.