Madam, - Under the Government's Transport 21 plan, Navan's rail link is due to be reinstated by 2015. This is five years later than promised by the Government previously in Platform for Change, in which the people of Navan were told the railway would be back in place by 2010.
Under that promise, the people of Meath were also told that the design of the Navan rail link would meet a 2003 deadline, and that the railway would have reached Dunboyne by 2006 - this year.
Now, the 4.7 miles of rail to Dunboyne will not be complete until 2009, Navan will be served in 2015 and Kells will be reopened by. . .well, never according to current plans.
The population of this State is due to increase by almost 2 million to 7 million by 2020. Immigration is to continue at 70,000 people a year. And all previous population estimates are out the window as far as Co Meath is concerned. As Dublin is almost at capacity in terms of housing, it stands to reason that Meath's towns are going to continue growing apace. Navan alone is due to increase in size by two-thirds in the coming decade.
In this context, and considering that much of the commuting population of Cavan passes through Kells en route to Dublin each day, it is time to start considering a Kells rail extension. Thinking beyond Transport 21 is essential if the planners of counties Meath and Cavan are ever to get ahead of the game instead of playing catch-up.
Recent water shortages in Stamullen and Yellow Furze exemplify the reactionary strategy of Meath's planners and our elected representatives. Navan's water supply can go at a moment's notice as the county struggles to keep up with development, rather than planning for it.
At the very least, the Government should recognise that Kells once had a rail link, and that the people of Kells will soon start to demand its return. We call on Meath's planners, the county council, the chambers of commerce and our TDs to recognise this and to take initial steps for the extension of rail services to Kells for the benefit of people in north Meath and Co Cavan. It is time to start thinking beyond Transport 21.
- Is mise,
PROINSIAS MAC FHEARGHUSA, PRO, Meath on Track, Navan, Co Meath.