Reform of school patronage

Madam, – Thank you Eoin Daly (Opinion, May 26th) for such a clear exposition of a system where all children, irrespective of…

Madam, – Thank you Eoin Daly (Opinion, May 26th) for such a clear exposition of a system where all children, irrespective of parental philosophies or religions, are educated together. Besides vindicating the right not to have our children educated within an ethos we do not support, we all stand to gain from the opportunities provided for friendship and understanding far beyond the traditional divides.

The Catholic Church stands to lose most in terms of patronage. Nominal church membership may reduce when preparation for sacraments takes place outside the school day but this is no reason why committed membership should reduce. In terms of friendship, understanding and the broadening of all our horizons, the Catholic Church may well have most to gain. As a non-believer I would welcome the opportunity for my grandchildren to have Catholic schoolfriends. My caring, Catholic friends have enabled me to appreciate that the Catholic Church is much more than current scandals would suggest. – Yours, etc,


Florence Road,


Co Wicklow.