Sir, - I would like to congratulate your Religious Affairs Correspondent Patsy McGarry, on his excellent article on St. Therese of Lisieux (April 7th). It was refreshing to read something concerning the Catholic Church without the usual cynical or chip-on-the-shoulder attitudes.
As I was brought up in a Presbyterian household, I took little interest in St Therese, and it wasn't until later in life that I came across a copy of her autobiography, The Story of a Soul. When I read it the clouds of sentimentality and superstition, which often surround her, were lifted and she emerged from her writings as a strong-minded, perceptive and truly human young woman.
However, I have some reservations about St Therese's relics being transported round Ireland. I hope it will not just appeal to peoples' desire for instant cures and miracles, but will let her voice once again be heard through her writings - a voice of patience, love and common-sense and a guide on how to lead our lives following her "little way". - Yours, etc.,
Adrienne Meagher, Glenhill Grove, Finglas, Dublin 11.