Sir, - Perhaps one of your readers may be able to put me in contact with some committee or other body responsible for protecting the human rights and dignity of aged and infirm non-Catholics in the Republic. If such a body does not exist, there certainly is a growing need for one.
Because of early governments being weaker than the Irish Catholic Church, many social responsibilities were left entirely in the hand of parish priests, Catholic charities and voluntary Catholic groups. Over a period of decades in which the Irish Catholic Church was in no way bashful in asserting its numerically dominant position, the provision of almost every worthwhile social service and facility came to be equated with, and dependent on it in the minds of many Irish Catholics. Unfortunately, this still holds true to a remarkable extent.
Even within Dublin Corporation's Community and Environment Section, there seems to be the simplistic view that it is quite natural that social facilities be presented with the trappings of Irish Catholicism to please the majority. This contrasts badly with that section's readiness to fully exploit publicity launches attended by ex-President Robinson, and its pretence at moving from a reactive to a proactive policy, from excluding marginalised portions of the community to the more positive policy of inclusiveness.
Earlier this year, I felt obliged to resign as chairperson of a small local committee sponsored by the Community & Environment Section of Dublin Corporation. This committee is allegedly responsible for managing a small community centre within a senior citizens' flats complex. A majority on that committee seems to be utterly incapable of perceiving non-Catholic neighbours as equally sensitive human beings, equally affected by the ageing process, and having the right to feel demeaned by the insistence that social facilities be presented with the trappings of Irish Catholicism.
At this time, it would be of great interest to me to know exactly how each of the candidates for the forthcoming presidential election would respond to the situation described above.
Perhaps I have left it too late? Perhaps I should have raised this matter while President Robinson still held the office? - Yours, etc.,
Joe Davis,
Sandyhill Gardens, Dublin 11.