Ringsend International Airport

Sir, - Eamon O'Brien's proposal (July 15th), echoes that published by Desmond McAteer in the March 1935 issue of Studies

Sir, - Eamon O'Brien's proposal (July 15th), echoes that published by Desmond McAteer in the March 1935 issue of Studies. He envisaged the reclamation of a large area of Merrion Strand with the boundary line running from the Pigeon House Fort to Blackrock station. Within this three-mile wall would be sited an "aerodrome one mile square", a housing area at the Blackrock end and, adjoining the South Wall, "pools for aquatic sports".

"There is little doubt", he suggested, "that the while area from Blackrock to Ringsend could be turned into a most attractive place, It is probable that, without artificial assistance, a sandy beach could be formed along the sea wall".

Perhaps with Luas on the long finger and the port tunnel disappearing into the middle of the next millennium, the time is ripe for another look at McAteer's scheme. If nothing else, it would see the start of a whole new Planners v Begrudgers ball game.- Yours, etc.,

From Bernard Share


Sallins, Co Kildare.