... Madam, - Living in Dublin is like living in the dark ages. Éircom announced that broadband will be rolled out to many regional towns across Ireland by March 2005. It could be thus interpreted that broadband is already available throughout the capital. This is not the case.
For example, people working or living in parts of Ranelagh, Dublin 6 and Donnybrook, Dublin 4 (practically the city centre) cannot obtain broadband at any price.
In addition, basic digital television is currently unavailable and from January 1st, 2004 we will step back into the 1980s when satellite channels, such as Sky Sports, will no longer be available from current providers even as an analog service. Is Dublin destined to remain in the dark ages? It certainly feels that way. - Yours, etc.,
ALAN COOKE, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6.