Running the bulls in Spain

Madam, - It is somewhat heavy-handed of Mr Kiernan of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports (July 16th) to denounce the runners…

Madam, - It is somewhat heavy-handed of Mr Kiernan of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports (July 16th) to denounce the runners in the Pamplona encierro as "drunken morons" goading the bulls and "leaping out of the way at the last moment". In fact, the local police are merciless in weeding out the obvious drunks and collapsed revellers from the course before the start.

Given the bulls weigh-in at around 1,300lbs, have razor-sharp horns and are bred for aggression and speed, very little "goading" by runners occurs; particularly given a rolled up newspaper is the only "goading" instrument allowed to them. As for "leaping out of the way", I am sure if Mr Kiernan was unlucky enough to find himself face to face with one ton of snorting, bad-tempered beef he would be "leaping out of the way" with the best of them.

I have never seen the cowhands or cebestros use electric prods or pointed sticks to start the stampede, merely opening the corral gate does the trick.

The bulls are rarely injured in the run; this privilege belongs to the runners (last year 57 serious injuries and 11 gorings).


Given the encierro has been going on for centuries, bringing prosperity and fame to the town and enjoyment to thousands of Spanish and tourists alike, it seems somewhat churlish and impertinent for the ICAB to petition the Mayor of Pamplona to end it. - Yours, etc.,



Dublin 5.