Safety For Cyclists

Sir, - Over the last two years, the Dublin Cycling Campaign has been working with Sustrans in Northern Ireland to promote the…

Sir, - Over the last two years, the Dublin Cycling Campaign has been working with Sustrans in Northern Ireland to promote the concept of an All Ireland Cycle Route Network.

We envisage that a safe route connecting Dublin to Belfast should be the first section of the network to be built. Sustrans are already well under way to constructing a route from Belfast to Newry, while the Dublin Transport Office has advanced plans to provide safe cycling routes out from the centre of our city.

Following the tragic killing of two cyclists on this year's Co-operation North maracycle, we hope that the Government will take up our proposal and create this permanent link between the people, North and South. The route would not only honour those who have died, but also the great contribution that the Cooperation North Maracycle had made, before it ended in such horror on the main road out of Newry. - Yours, etc., Eamon Ryan,



Dublin Cycling Campaign,

Ashfield Road,

Dublin 6.