Sir, - Your recent report on the "cumbersome, expensive and overtly political" licensing laws for the salmon farming industry…

Sir, - Your recent report on the "cumbersome, expensive and overtly political" licensing laws for the salmon farming industry (May 2nd) neglected one somewhat important matter the widespread and valid public concern over the industry's impact on the environment. Furthermore, as recent events have demonstrated, these concerns are not just confined to the destruction of our precious sea trout stocks.

The sea trout collapse is a very real issue, with grave environ mental and economic consequences. Reports that new research into sea lice, car nod out by Aquafact International and funded by the salmon farmers, suggest a harmonious relationship between sea trout and the lice are a little hard to swallow is it not strange that, after 10,000 years of evolution (and just 10 years of salmon farming), the "harmonious" parasites should suddenly start eating their hosts alive?

Are we to assume that, when the last sea trout finally disappears from the West, the billions of ice emanating from the salmon cages will disappear too? Yours, etc., Chairman, Western Game fishing Association, Pond House, Burrin, Co Clare.