Science and astrology

Madam, - Recent correspondence (May 10th) has suggested that religion and astrology are in some way similar

Madam, - Recent correspondence (May 10th) has suggested that religion and astrology are in some way similar. Indeed they are - both subjects make claims which are inherently unprovable, and this essentially places them beyond serious scientific commentary. Which does not mean the subjects shouldn't be taken seriously.

Astrology has suffered more than religion in this respect since it was removed from university curriculums in the 18th century.

Scientists and astronomers disown their own history. Like poachers turned gamekeepers, they continue to misrepresent astrology and astrologers with an unscientific fervour which at times reaches a religious pitch.

All that talk about extraordinary claims needing extraordinary evidence before they can be considered acceptable (Prof William Reville's Under the Microscope, May 5th) is poppycock, and has no place in scientific methodology, logic or philosophy.


Science treats all claims equally, or at least it should do. Not only that, Prof Reville's description of astrology is simply unrecognisable. Astrology has nothing whatsoever to do with gravity, and the only people who claim that it does are astronomers.

Astrologers interpret symbols, they do not translate data and turn it into information.They do not think the planets cause anyone to be a particular way, or that the planets caused the invasion of Iraq. Those in power continue to use astrology because it generates useful information, especially about timing. The great unwashed have to make do with Mystic Meg and "sure, isn't it all just a little bit of fun?" - Yours, etc,

BILL SHEERAN, Rathkenny, Co Meath.