Sharing pain of economic crisis

Madam, – With the increasing realisation that there are no genuine “national assets” to manage and that instead a toxic dump…

Madam, – With the increasing realisation that there are no genuine “national assets” to manage and that instead a toxic dump of speculators’ and bankers’ busted flushes is to be created, saddling all Irish taxpayers with an enormous debt burden to be repaid by increased taxation and/or decreased spending for the foreseeable future.

Perhaps the common good would be better served by allowing the people responsible for making these gambles, banks and builders, take the pain rather than inflicting it on an already long-suffering, barely coping, populace.

Also, we should perhaps admit that Nama really stands for a Necro-political Abattoir of Materialist Avarice. – Yours, etc,


Heytesbury Lane,


Dublin 4.