A Chara, - With reference to your editorial January 14th "Keeping the Loyalists in", I would like to point out that your interpretation…

A Chara, - With reference to your editorial January 14th "Keeping the Loyalists in", I would like to point out that your interpretation of Sinn Fein's position on the participation of the Loyalist parties in the multi party talks is a serious (and conscious) misrepresentation of the facts. This is a matter of regret, especially for a paper which has an otherwise impressive record of impartially reporting on issues of international, national and local relevance.

Your editorial presented as established fact, that Sinn Fein and Mr Bob McCartney and the Rev Ian Paisley were "at one in denouncing the continued presence of the political parties linked to the loyalist paramilitaries at the multi party talks in the North". Not so, not at all, as even a cursory examination of my statement, which was accurately reported by your Northern Editor, Mr Dick Grogan will confirm.

Sinn Fein has always argued that our electoral mandate to be involved in the talks has been hard won. Indeed Sinn Fein activists have paid with their lives to establish that mandate. Sinn Fein spokespersons are on public record as calling for all inclusive negotiations and of emphasising the role that the Loyalist representatives will play in the quest for a democratic accommodation, whenever that is achieved.

Despite the recent murder attempts on republicans, we refrained from calling for, or supporting, the expulsion of the loyalist representatives.


Our criticism was of the double standards that are applied in sustaining the myth of a 27 month Loyalist cease fire. In that aspect only, the title of your editorial "Keeping the Loyalists in" was both accurate and appropriate. It would follow, that so long as the Combined Loyalist Military Command do not actually accept responsibility for their actions, then both Governments (and The Irish Times) will continue to confound and contradict the very criteria that they apply to exclude Sinn Fein and the community that were elected to represent.

Can a Peace Process be re built on that basis? - Is mise le meas,

Sinn Fein Chairperson,

34 Blucher Street,

Derry, BT48 9DY.

Sinn Fein will have no credibility in arguing for inclusive talks as long as the IRA pursues a diametrically opposite strategy clearly aimed at forcing the loyalist parties out of the political process. Ed., IT.