Solar Power

Sir, - I have recently started a small business importing renewable energy systems

Sir, - I have recently started a small business importing renewable energy systems. I was happy to read that the Government is planning to introduce tax relief for investment in renewable energy. However I was surprised to find that the planned tax relief does not include solar energy in the brief to be considered in the forthcoming Finance Bill.

The strategy for the promotion of renewable energies constitutes the cornerstone of our future energy policy. The EU Commissioner for Energy, Christos Papoutsis, is determined to follow an ambitious policy to promote the use of energy sources which enhance our security of supplies, contribute to the creation of jobs and help us to protect the environment. Solar energy is integral to this ambition.

It is a common notion that solar energy does not work in Ireland, yet in Scandinavia, thanks to a carbon tax, solar energy is widely used and so are other renewable energy systems. With the installation of a relatively cheap solar water-heating system, an average Irish household can save up to 50 per cent on its water-heating bill. It is essential that, along with biomass and wind energy, the Government includes solar energy in the forthcoming Bill. - Yours, etc.,

From Simon McDonnell


Solartech, Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2.