St Patrick's Day paganism

Madam, - Seán Ó Ceallaigh (March 18th) decries the "pagan parade" that some people believe our national holiday has become

Madam, - Seán Ó Ceallaigh (March 18th) decries the "pagan parade" that some people believe our national holiday has become. It is perhaps worth remembering that paganism pre-dates Christianity in Ireland by more than 7,000 years. - Yours, etc.,

GREG SCANLON, Ballycasey Manor, Shannon, Co Clare.

Madam, - As I clean up the detritus of another public holiday from outside my premises - vomit, bottles and drink cans - I ponder on the witterings of the "Coalitions Against ASBOs", and of your own Joe Humphreys (Opinion & Analysis, March 13th).

Public floggings and the stocks spring more to mind. - Yours, etc.,


M. CAUSER, Wilton Gardens, Cork.