Sir, - Yet another St Patrick's Festival is upon us and, to our shame, there is still no visible monument to our patron saint in O'Connell Street. Again, to our shame, Dublin Corporation has rejected St Patrick and instead has voted to spend £3 million on a 384-foot meaningless spike (which may yet require flashing red navigation lights on top).
Also this year, we know that snakes, demons, witches and massive fireworks are expected, but there is not much evidence of the saint who should be properly honoured as he is in New York's parade.
Surely it is not too late for the organisers to include in the festival a simple pageant on the life of St Patrick. To make the festival even more interesting, the National Museum of Ireland might lend St Patrick's Bell and other historic items for the occasion. Of course, New York would still have the bigger parade, but the Dublin event would be the more authentic. - Yours, etc.,
John O'Halloran, 15 Bantry Road, Dublin 9.