Taoiseach and Mahon tribunal

Madam, - Your Editorial (Feb 13th) highlighted the similarities between the Taoiseach and Cardinal Connell

Madam, - Your Editorial (Feb 13th) highlighted the similarities between the Taoiseach and Cardinal Connell. Both are men accustomed to holding positions of power. Both are used to a coterie of Yes men carrying out their every need. Both foolishly believed the courts could protect them from facing the truth.

Mr Ahern has been nothing less than devious in his explanations to the Irish people of his handling of the Mahon tribunal's investigations. His public pronouncements claim he has nothing to hide. Yet in practice he is obstructing the investigation and blurring the facts at every turn.

It is also worth quoting again his recent comments in the Dáil about his misleading comments that the Revenue Commissioners could not issue his tax clearance certificate until the Mahon tribunal completes its work: "It is not correct. If I said so, I wasn't correct, so I can't recall if I did say, but I did not say, or if I did say it, I didn't mean to say it, that these issues can't be dealt with until the end of the Mahon tribunal,".

We have a mumbling, incoherent Taoiseach who cannot see it is unacceptable that as minister for finance he received huge donations to fund his lifestyle and now cannot clear this with the relevant tax authorities. Is it any wonder politicians have the reputation we deserve? - Yours, etc,


Cllr JOHN KENNY (PD), Monkstown Valley,  Co Dublin.