Tax And The Ex-Taoiseach

A chara, - Like many other members and supporters of Fianna Fail, I am appalled at the outrageous decision of the Appeals Commissioner…

A chara, - Like many other members and supporters of Fianna Fail, I am appalled at the outrageous decision of the Appeals Commissioner in relation to Mr Charles Haughey's tax liability. I also feel that it was desperately injudicious of the Commissioner involved to take on the appeal in the first place, given his relationship with the Taoiseach, notwithstanding the fact that they apparently have not spoken in a number of years.

These issues are important and require debate. But the suggestion or implication by opportunistic members of the Opposition that the Taoiseach interfered with the appeal in order to get Mr Haughey off-the-hook is simply beyond the bounds of credibility and cannot be left unquestioned.

Does Ruairi Quinn seriously believe the Taoiseach is pleased with this result? Does Pat Rabbitte seriously believe the result will stand on appeal to the courts? Does John Bruton seriously believe that the Taoiseach would put on the Dail record a categorical denial of any knowledge of the appeal and any interference in the case, if there were any possibility that this were not true, knowing that such a revelation would annihilate him politically forever? Does anyone seriously believe, on careful examination of the facts, that the Taoiseach would be so stupid, short-sighted and ignorant?

The hysteria, mudslinging and cowardly allegations under Dail privilege only serve to make the cynical more hostile and the public more apathetic, and to disabuse anyone with an interest in politics of any notion of ever getting involved. And that, I would respectfully suggest, is the greatest threat to democracy being perpetrated by short-sighted politicians from which no party stands to gain. - Is mise, David Carroll,


Castle Street, Dublin 2.