The abortion debate

Sir, – Enda Kenny asserts that proposed legislation for abortion will not eventually become “abortion on demand”

Sir, – Enda Kenny asserts that proposed legislation for abortion will not eventually become “abortion on demand”. Is this assurance meant to carry the same weight as his pre-election promise not to legislate for abortion? – Yours, etc,


Creeslough, Co Donegal.

Sir, – Jacky Jones states that seeing women as mothers skews our abortion debate (Health+Family, January 22nd). How can she possibly not see woman and child as one unit? Only women can conceive and a foetus cannot exist and develop separately from the mother. There can only be one biological mother of the child. To accuse people of being misogynistic because they are pro-life is deeply unfair; as being pro-life means that you also are concerned for safeguarding the life of the mother.

Ms Jones also accuses Irish society of being as misogynistic as Afghanistan, Angola and Somalia, without reference to the fact that Ireland is one of the safest countries in the world for women to give birth.

Finally I would like to read in your health section an equally strongly expressed opinion on the opposite side of the abortion debate. – Yours, etc,



Powerscourt Lawns,


Sir, – Heather Browning (January 22nd) is confused by those on last Saturday’s demonstration describing themselves as pro-life.

That is because these people, led by senior members of the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, are in fact pro-birth and not pro-life.

Like their fundamentalist Protestant and Muslim brothers, the Roman Catholic Church has a long history of involvement in war, murder, massacre and other unsavoury anti-life activities, generally while professing their faith and advancing the interests of their particular brand of religion.

Certainly their claim to have the interest of the women and children of Ireland at heart is dubious, to say the very least. – Yours, etc,


Newtown Road,

Celbridge, Co Kildare.