The Botanic Gardens

Madam, - You mentioned the National Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin in your guide to what children can do during the holidays

Madam, - You mentioned the National Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin in your guide to what children can do during the holidays. I was there recently with 75 seven- and eight-year-olds and they had a ball. There was great interest in the insect-eating plant, the tree that didn't burn and the tree from which hurleys are made. It was educational too, as the excellent child-friendly guide made them answer his 10 questions before they could eat! The damage: €3.50 for a burger or fish fingers, chips, drink, a lorry and a jolly good ambience. A great day all around; but do arrange to have a guide - it made all the difference! - Yours, etc.,

BRENDA MORGAN, Asgard Park, Howth, Co Dublin.