Sir, I refer to an article in The Irish Times of September 10th detailing the recommendations of the National Economic and Social…

Sir, I refer to an article in The Irish Times of September 10th detailing the recommendations of the National Economic and Social Forum (NESF). In this article, the unemployed are referred to as a "marginal group", and as such IBEC would strongly oppose their representation within the NESF because they are a "single issue group".

Is IBEC not a single issue group, representing the interests of big business in Ireland? Unemployment is a by product of the present economic regime. The same regime has served the interests of IBEC very well. In the absence of a parliament willing to deal with unemployment, it is only through institutions such as NESF that the unemployed can have a say in developing a better economic regime.

With such a large sector of our society now unemployed, the NESF cannot be considered a representative body without full social partner status for the unemployed. Without this reform, the NESF is merely a quango and a bluffing shop, which will conveniently play a role of cosmetic cover up, stifling real debate on the greatest social problem of our time. - Yours, etc.,

Green Party Spokesperson for Enterprise and Employment,


16 Presentation Road,
