The Peace Process

Sir, - The ability of some people to allow their party political persuasion to blind them to the facts is truly astounding

Sir, - The ability of some people to allow their party political persuasion to blind them to the facts is truly astounding. Michael O'Kennedye but it is unfortunately accurate) is getting all flustered because the leader of the opposition dares to question the Government's policy on Northern Ireland. Mr O'Kennedy refers, as I have heard others refer, to the Taoiseach's wonderful work in Northern Ireland and how he has progressed the peace process.

Wonderful progress? Articles 2 & 3 down the swanny; no Executive; no agreement; Peter Mandelson pulls the rug and shows Dublin who's boss; appalling Dublin/London relations; no decommissioning; the IRA timing their statements to demonstrate their contempt for Mr Ahern. Could someone please explain how, by any stretch of the imagination, this is termed progress? I don't doubt Mr Ahern's sincere commitment to the process, but let's have a little less moral outrage when democratically elected representatives ask a few hard questions. - Yours, etc.

Sarah Carey, Smithfield Village, Dublin 7.