The Presidential Election

Sir, - Martin Madden's letter (September 26th) shows, by its bigoted and inaccurate references to Mary McAleese, that the Blueshirt…

Sir, - Martin Madden's letter (September 26th) shows, by its bigoted and inaccurate references to Mary McAleese, that the Blueshirt mentality is alive and well in Fine Gael. Apparently anybody who holds a nationalist or Catholic viewpoint is unfit to be President - which must disqualify a great number. His attempts to pigeonhole her into some reactionary-conservative category is simply at variance with her record; she has been to the forefront in campaigning on a range of issues over the years which would include many of a "liberal" nature. But she would reject that simple label too, especially when it is used, as in Mr Madden's case, so inaccurately.

The attempt to label her as antifeminist can be rejected in the same way. The reality is that, in common with the PD leader Mary Harney, she wants to see women secure fair and equal treatment in all walks of life as of right, not just because they are women.

Mr Madden wants to lecture the PDs about liberalism. Liberals do indeed favour freedom of choice. But choice means choosing some viewpoint, not wallowing around in some mushy cloud of indecision. Which means that liberals also favour tolerance and respect for the views of whose who choices differ from their own. Mr Madden places a great strain on both of those qualities. But he need not fear for the soul of the PDs. He should fear rather for that of his own party, Fine Gael, which so cravenly allowed the parties of the Left to dictate the colour of the late and unlamented Rainbow Government. - Yours, etc.,

Cllr. Mae Sexton,


(Progressive Democrat), Demense, Co Longford.